Folklore & Fiction

You're a storyteller; a creative writer, a musician, or an artist. You love folklore and want to use it more effectively in your craft. I can help!

Who I Am

My name is Ceallaigh S. MacCath-Moran, and I'm a PhD candidate in the Folklore Department at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I'm also an author, poet, and musician under the pseudonym C.S. MacCath, and I bring twenty years of publishing and teaching experience to the Folklore & Fiction project.

What the Folklore & Fiction Project Is

The Folklore & Fiction newsletter, dispatch, and podcast synthesize my passions with a focus on folklore scholarship aimed at storytellers. Here you can learn what folklore is and learn to use it in your craft from the first project ever developed by a professional folklorist for storytellers like you. 

What It Costs You

The first five seasons of Folklore & Fiction are free. Why? Because I'm using them to test ideas for the book I'll be writing with the material and the webinars I'll be offering after that. I'm also using them to introduce you to my storytelling as a writer and musician. That said, if you find my work helpful, I hope you'll support it on Patreon!

What Other People Have Said

Folklore & Fiction reminds me a little of spending time in a quiet, dusty campus library, the kind with multiple levels made of brick and marble and ancient woods. Where you might have to venture down into the basement, steps grooved by generations of students' feet, to crawl around in slightly spooky stacks, only to emerge with an armful of forgotten treasures. Your job as a writer is to find the pay dirt, you must discover how to reanimate these gleanings. This description may sound unflattering to some, but I think, to writers at least, it sounds like paradise. I did just such a thing quite recently, using learnings and resources (Like what an ATU is!) obtained from Folklore & Fiction to write something new, and indeed, even to sell that piece. I have F&F to thank for that, and Ceallaigh MacCath-Moran. Thank you for this fantastic resource.

 - Nathan Waddell

Some people talk the talk, and walk the walk, but what you do? It goes so far beyond that, I don't even know if there's a name for it. Pretty much the only base you haven't covered would be for you to actually perform a Wicker Man ritual on air. Maybe in the far future, for your final episode?

- Nathan-Andrew Leaflight

Have been listening to your podcasts...They're a great resource for any fantasy fiction writer. Well-produced, informative, knowledgeable, clear, and precise...I recommend them highly. And for anyone just interested in folklore you will gain much enjoyment from them.

- Lykos Nyx

I am greatly enjoying the podcast episodes. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. As a narrative poet, I'm finding much here to apply in my work.

- Steven Withrow


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